U Bein Bridge
The U Bein Bridge is the biggest highlight in Amarapura. Stretching 1.2km (0.7mi) long, it's the largest teak wood bridge in the world.
The bridge is beautiful at any time of day, but is at it's most stunning at sunset. For the best photos, get off the bridge in the middle and stand in the fields to capture the bridge’s silhouette against the fiery, orange-red sky.
Local fishermen will be happy to take you out on the Taungthaman Lake by boat – for a small fee. Just know that early morning and late afternoon are the busiest time of day for local commuters.
Kyauktawgyi Pagoda
Built to model Ananda temple in Bagan, Kyauktaqgyi Pagoda is a beautiful white Buddhist temple. Located near the U Bein bridge, it’s best known for the frescoes decorating the interior and the Buddha statue inside, which is said to be carved from a single block of marble.
Weawsana Jade Pagoda
Located just outside Amarapura, Weawsana Jade Pagoda is made entirely of (you guessed it) Jade. Its appearance gives it an otherworldly feel – which has been jokingly likened to kryptonite.
Pahtodawgyi Pagoda
A beautiful Pagoda in the southern section of Amarapura, Pahtodawgyi was built in the early 1800s and modelled after the Mahazedi of Sri Lanka.
If you venture up to the highest terrace, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful panoramic view over the countryside.
Mahar Wai Yan Bon Thar Monastery
Be sure to visit this five-story Buddhist monastery, which was built with the traditional tiered roofs featured in Burmese architecture.
There are over 20,000 wooden carvings in the temple, 500 images of Buddha within the grounds, and ancient manuscripts written on palm leaves within the library.
Amarapura Palace Ruins
Amarapura was once the royal capital, and although the palace of the ancient city is in ruins, you can still catch a glimpse of its former splendor.
The treasury building, watch tower, and tombs of two of the kings can still be seen here today.
Silk Weaving Workshop
Weaving industry is one of the main professions of the Amarapura people. Over one hundred looms are used to obtain beautiful and intricate design and patterns as silk are worn in very special and ceremonial occasions. As being a famous and interesting cottage industry, this is another place for visitors to have a look.