Songkran in Pattaya is unlike anywhere else in Thailand. The famous water festival is taken to extremes and the whole city becomes not so much one giant water fight as a week-long pitched battle! The gentle origins of this traditional celebration are mostly lost amongst the buckets of ice water, high-pressure soakers and foam parties on Beach Road.
While the Songkran holiday only officially lasts for three days (11th – 13th April), Pattaya’s party atmosphere means that you are likely to get a thorough soaking as much as a week beforehand and several days after. Some of the city’s expatriates, who have had their best office togs doused in freezing cold water once too often, choose to take the week off and escape to Koh Samet or other nearby havens while many others stock up on supplies and barricade themselves indoors. However, many more stick around for the best all-day wet and wild party in Thailand. If you like fun and hijinks, there is no better place to be in mid-April.
Songkran is the celebration of the traditional New Year in Thailand, a Buddhist holiday, and one could argue the world’ biggest water gun fight. Most travelers to Thailand that want to experience water festival come for the latter.
For three days, up to a week in some areas, people take to the street with buckets of water, super soaker water guns, hoses, and anything else that will help them delight in dousing people with water.
It is a huge celebration and national holiday in Thailand and great fun. There is a party like atmosphere throughout the cities and many festivals and events taking place throughout the celebration.
Songkran officially lasts three days, but City Hall commonly extends it in Pattaya so that it lasts a full week, with the last day being the craziest day. This additional holiday is called “Wan Lai”, which means “day that flows”, but is generally lumped together with and commonly referred to as Songkran. Although Wan Lai is only one day – the last day – most people link it to the earlier holidays, creating an extra few unofficial days of Songkran.
On Wan Lai Day, the water really does flow – practically continuously. Everybody is armed with a water dispenser of some description. Some favour the semi-traditional bucket, many go for a water gun and some use Heath Robinson high-pressure hoses made from a length of plastic plumbing pipe with a small hole at one and a plunger at the other. These are easily available but are considered too powerful and the police will confiscate them if they see you using them.
An additional weapon you are likely to encounter during Songkran in Pattaya is the mysterious white paste. This mix of talcum powder and water is commonly applied to the face (but this is Pattaya and it is the weapon of choice for most bar staff, so expect to end up with white hand prints all over). This has no cultural significance whatsoever and is done purely for fun, though it is considerably less fun when it gets into your eyes!
When is Songkran in Pattaya?
In Pattaya, the fun begins on April 11 and is not over until April 19! This festival is merely an excuse for a week-long, super water-battle throughout the entire city! Songkran originated with family members sprinkling each other with water to commemorate the Thai New Year; it has now erupted into high-pressure soakings with water guns, buckets of ice poured down your back or on a passing car, and foam parties on Pattaya's beaches. These activities spare no one - participants or bystanders – everyone is drenched by the end of each day!
Where to Go in Pattaya during Songkran?
Every bar will have a selection of water butts in front, generally with a few large blocks of ice floating in them. Most will ask that you buy at least one drink if you are going to reload your gun there, though you can find some butts free for public use if you look around long enough.
Naturally, this means that every bar becomes a nest of water shooters and you are liable to be ambushed and completely drenched as you walk past. With roads where every building is a bar – particularly Sois 6 and 7 – this creates complete bedlam and a constant unavoidable crossfire.
Beach Road is cut off to traffic and stages are set up for live music and foam machines. The fire department park their engines here, filling numerous water butts for revellers to reload their soakers from. On the roads that do allow vehicles, the main ones become a slow-moving traffic jam.
Pick-up trucks are turned into mobile parties, with their own water butts, the radio on full volume and many young Thais strafing pedestrians and other vehicles from the back.
Some of the more bizarre sights to see include monks sat in the back of pick-up trucks, rolling around town giving merit and blessings. Due to the great respect shown to them, their saffron robes remain perfectly dry while everything around them is drenched (and we strongly advise that you do not even think about trying to change that!).
The police, by contrast, probably get more drenched than anyone else. They give as good as they get, though, and many swap their side-arms for soakers!
Songkran in Pattaya is generally not actively dangerous, but there are those who do get hurt. With so much water flying around, it is only to be expected. Take particular care if you are driving a motorbike as revellers (more so the drunken ones) will have no qualms about throwing freezing water at you as you drive past. Avoid driving – take a songteaw or walk instead.
Avoid wearing or carrying anything expensive, particularly if it is electrical. Not only is it likely to get soaking wet, but pickpockets are known to work the crowd. Waterproof wallets to hang around your neck are widely available. You should carry an ample supply of sunscreen with you as, with the constant soaking, it will get washed off and will need reapplying.
Finally, be careful of who you target. Most people out and about during Songkran in Pattaya are up for fun and do not mind complete strangers hosing them down. Just be mindful of giving small children and elderly people a bucket of ice water down the neck and avoid shooting people in the face. Be sure that you are happy to take it and dish it out in equal measure, and if you are hoping to stay dry, do not leave your hotel.
Surviving Tips for Pattaya Songkran Water Fight
Expect to get wet, very wet – Only wear clothes you’d be ok with if they got ruined.
It’s going to be hot, very hot – April is the hottest month of the year, wear your sunscreen
Carry your belongings in a waterproof bag – Cash, wallet, passport, anything you shouldn’t get we. Don’t take out your cell phone or camera on the streets, find someplace inside
Keep your stuff secure – There are large crowds and with them come pickpockets.
Everyone is fair game – you’ll even see people (Thai’s) soaking police officers (not recommended if you are a visitor)
Be smart – Don’t throw water at young children, the elderly, monks, police, or shoot someone in the face.
Be safe – There is a lot of drinking going on and deaths from drinking and driving are at highs during Songkran. This goes for walking down the street, watch out for cars
Keep it clean – Cameras and Videos are everywhere now. There is always some drunken lout that becomes notorious for lewd behavior or undressing. This is not acceptable in Thailand, don’t be ‘that guy.’
It’s going to be busy and crowded – walk if you can or use public transportation if you must
Avoid motorbikes if you can – people will through buckets of water into the face of drivers. This can lead to losing control and crashing.
Have fun and smile! This is a time for celebration, enjoy it.
Are you going to spend you Songkran in Pattaya? Book your journey as early as you can. Do not hesitate to CONTACT US, if you need any further support.
My name is Jolie, I am a Vietnamese girl growing up in the countryside of Hai Duong, northern Vietnam. Since a little girl, I was always dreaming of exploring the far-away lands, the unseen beauty spots of the world. My dream has been growing bigger and bigger day after day, and I do not miss a chance to make it real. After graduating from the univesity of language in Hanoi, I started the exploration with a travel agency and learning more about travel, especially responsible travel. I love experiencing the different cultures of the different lands and sharing my dream with the whole world. Hope that you love it too!
The Rocket Festival (Boun Bang Fai) is a merit-making ceremony traditionally practiced by ethnic Lao people near the beginning of the wet season in numerous villages and municipalities, in the regions of Northeastern Thailand and Laos. Celebrations typically include preliminary music and dance performances, competitive processions of floats, dancers and musicians on the second day, and culminating on the third day in competitive firings of home-made rockets. Local participants and sponsors use the occasion to enhance their social prestige, as is customary in traditional Buddhist folk festivals throughout Southeast Asia.
The festival in Thailand also includes special programs and specific local patterns like Bung Fai (Parade dance) and a Beautiful Bung Fai float such as Yasothon the third weekend of May, and continues Suwannaphum District, Roi Et on the first weekend of June, Phanom Phrai District Roi Et during the full moon of the seventh month in Lunar year's calendar each year. The Bung Fai festival is not only found in Isan or Northeasthern Thailand and North Thailand and Laos, but also in Amphoe Sukhirin, Narathiwat.
Also known as the Nine Emperor Gods Festival or the Kin Jay Festival, the Phuket Vegetarian Festival is an annual event celebrated primarily by the Chinese community in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia.
Running for nine days, the vegetarian festival in Phuket is considered by many to be the most extreme and bizarre of festivals in Thailand. The Phuket Vegetarian Festival could be Thailand's answer to the Tamil festival of Thaipusam celebrated in neighboring Malaysia. Devotees not only adopt a special diet for the holiday, a select few participants prove their devotion by practicing self-mutilation.
Some of the feats performed include piercing cheeks with swords, walking on nails or hot coals, and climbing ladders made of knife blades! Most participants miraculously heal up without needing stitches or medical care.
WARNING!The content and the images are not recommended for the faint of heart! Consider before continuing.
Buddhist Lent Day (Thailand Wan Khao Phansa, Laos Boun Khao Phansa) is the start of the three-month period during the rainy season when monks are required to remain in a particular place such as a monastery or temple grounds. Here, they will meditate, pray, study, and teach other young monks. In the past, monks were not even allowed to leave the temple, but today, most monks just refrain from traveling during this period. You will still see them out during the day.
It is said that monks started remaining immobile in a temple during this time because they wanted to avoid killing insects and harming farmland. Apparently, traveling monks were crossing through fields, thus destroying the crops of villagers and farmers. After catching wind of this, Buddha decided that in order to avoid damaging crops, hurting insects, or harming themselves during the rainy season, monks should remain in their temples during these three months.
The Hmong New Year celebration is a cultural tradition that takes place annually in select areas where large Hmong communities exist and in a modified form where smaller communities come together. During the New Year's celebration, Hmong dress in traditional clothing and enjoy Hmong traditional foods, dance, music, bull fights, and other forms of entertainment. Hmong New Year celebrations have Hmong ethnic traditions and culture and may also serve to educate those who have an interest in Hmong tradition. Hmong New Year celebrations frequently occur in November and December (traditionally at the end of the harvest season when all work is done), serving as a Thanksgiving holiday for the Hmong people.
Magha Puja (also written as Makha Bucha Day) is the third most important Buddhist festival, celebrated on the full moon day of the third lunar month in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Sri Lanka and on the full moon day of Tabaung in Myanmar. It celebrates a gathering that was held between the Buddha and 1,250 of his first disciples, which, according to tradition, preceded the custom of periodic recitation of discipline by monks.
On the day, Buddhists celebrate the creation of an ideal and exemplary community, which is why it is sometimes called Saṅgha Day, the Saṅgha referring to the Buddhist community, and for some Buddhist schools this is specifically the monastic community. In Thailand, the Pāli term Māgha-pūraṇamī is also used for the celebration, meaning 'to honor on the full moon of the third lunar month'.
Finally, some authors referred to the day as the Buddhist All Saints Day.
In pre-modern times, Magha Puja has been celebrated by some Southeast Asian communities. But it became widely popular in the modern period, when it was instituted in Thailand by King Rama IV in the mid-19th century. From Thailand, it spread to other South and Southeast Asian countries. Presently, it is a public holiday in some of these countries.
It is an occasion when Buddhists go to the temple to perform merit-making activities, such as alms giving, meditation and listening to teachings. It has been proposed in Thailand as a more spiritual alternative to the celebration of Valentine's Day.
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A land of staggering natural beauty and cultural complexities, of dynamic megacities and hill-tribe villages, Vietnam is both exotic and compelling.
There's a magic about this charming yet confounding kingdom that casts a spell on visitors. In Cambodia, ancient and modern worlds collide to create an authentic adventure.
It's a new era for this extraordinary and complex land, where the landscape is scattered with gilded pagodas and the traditional ways of Asia endure.
Vivid nature, voluptuous landscapes and a vibrant culture collide with a painful past and optimistic future to make Laos an enigmatic experience for the adventurous.
My name is Jolie, I am a Vietnamese girl growing up in the countryside of Hai Duong, northern Vietnam. Since a little girl, I was always dreaming of exploring the far-away lands, the unseen beauty spots of the world. My dream has been growing bigger and bigger day after day, and I do not miss a chance to make it real. After graduating from the univesity of language in Hanoi, I started the exploration with a travel agency and learning more about travel, especially responsible travel. I love experiencing the different cultures of the different lands and sharing my dream with the whole world. Hope that you love it too!